Glitter Words

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

sangat indah...

Tadi pagi- pagi mcnods ade ler terbaca satu email yang kak rosa bagi... heheheh then mata mcnods tertangkap satu phrase yang sangat indah bagi mcnods... em... so mcnods nak share ler lagi ngan sesapa yang rajin bace blog mcnods ni kan...

Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him.

mcnods amat tersentuh dengan kata-kata nih.... em.... biler la hari mcnods akan di satukan dengan tulang-tulang mcnods diperbuat... cewah... em... mcnods suke makan rib ayam... tak nape ler lmbat sngat nk di satukan dengan tulang tuh... huehuehu.... mari kite sesama doakan yea.... ameen...

em.. benda lain nak cerita tak tau nk cerita ape.... seperti biase je wat keje... takde hal ape... everyday i'm in the stage of learning.... em... tapi ape yang mcnods belajar... mcnods gembira mempelajarinye... em... time kasih cikcu-cikgu yang bersungguh-sunguh dan mengajar mcnods waktu dulu... heheheheh em... tetiba mcnods teringat ape cerita kawan-kawan time sekolah dulu eh??? ape cer???

entah ler... em... mcnods nak tunjuk somthing kat sume orang... tak seberapa pon... hehehehehe

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